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Ultrasonic thickness gauges are used to measure the thickness of structures, parts and their elements with access to them only from one side. The accuracy of measurements of the ultrasonic thickness gauge is ensured by the presence of a calibration function of the device based on setting the speed of sound and zero compensation when changing the type of sensor, changing the length of the cable and the selected measurement mode on the electronic unit of the thickness gauge.

Models: TEMP-UT1, TEMP-UT1S, TEMP-UT2, UDT-40, etc.


  • frost - resistant
  • ultrasonic

All NPP Texnotest products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NPP Texnotest: ultrasonic thickness gauges, hardness testers, non-destructive testing devices
  • Hardness testers NPP Texnotest
    Hardness testers
    TEMP-2, TEMP-4, TEMP-4k, etc.
  • Ultrasonic thickness gauges NPP Texnotest
    Ultrasonic thickness gauges
    TEMP-UT1, TEMP-UT1S, etc.
  • Non-destructive testing devices NPP Texnotest
    Non-destructive testing devices
    KMMD, TM-3, TM-4, TM-2, etc.

About NPP Texnotest

NPP Technotest (Moscow) is the first CIS manufacturer of electronic dynamic hardness testers of the TEMP series and ultrasonic thickness gauges TEMP-UT. Since the 70s, the company has been conducting research on the problems of measuring hardness with portable hardness meters and, taking into account the knowledge gained, solves the tasks set.

    NPP Technotest is focused on all levels and is designed for the most mass consumer. The main priority is to reduce the cost of products while maintaining their high quality.

    Ultrasonic thickness gauges are used to measure the thickness of structures, parts and their elements when accessing them only from one side.

    Various types of monitoring and diagnostics are used in all industries, in production and at many enterprises. Modern non-destructive testing (NC devices and equipment) helps to solve a wide range of control and diagnostic tasks.

Information Board NPP Texnotest

Learn more about our products NPP Texnotest.
  • Product price on site НПП Технотест
  • Product questionnaire on site НПП Технотест


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